Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obama trying to take away Military retirement ??

So I was looking through the news online, and I found out that Obama is trying to take away retirement for our military. Who in the world would ever think about doing that ? That is just ridiculous. The people in our country fighting for it to stay free and you wanna take things away from them, I find that completely wrong.
This is what I read on Fox News: "Obama released a plan Monday that calls for reexamining the retirement system that 'provides generous benefits to the relatively few members who stay at least 20 years and no benefits for the roughly 80 percent of servicemembers who stay less than 20 years.' "
That is just completely stupid if you ask me, I feel like out of all the jobs in america, military should be one thing that never gets reductions just to put money in the economy. I really don't understand how Obama could possibly think this is a good way to put money back in the economy. If you ask me, I feel like our military is going to get smaller if you cut retirement out of it. 
here is the article I read:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Visiting my friend at Camp Geiger

Scott's Barracks at Camp Geiger. 
My boyfriend, Kevin, and our friend Scott. 

So, this past weekend I visited my friend, Scott, at Camp Geiger with his mom and my boyfriend, Kevin. Camp Geiger is near Camp Lejeune and it is the Marine Infantry School where my friend is right now. The night before I went I could barely sleep because I was so excited to see Scott, who I haven't seen in almost a year because I wasn't able to go to his Boot Camp graduation. I was very excited, I woke up at 6 to leave by 8, I even charged my camera up all night in hopes that there would be some pretty cool photos to take.

We drove 4 hours down to see him and when we got there I couldn't even believe it. It was probably the most boring place I have ever been. Now, I understand that Marine Infantry is pretty serious, but I think they could have at least made Camp Geiger a little more exciting. I was extremely disappointed about it. I love photography and I took it for 3 years in high school, so I was very excited to take some pictures, but the place was so boring I couldn't even find things to take pictures of. Every single building looked the same, there was nothing but grass, just simple signs in front of the buildings telling you what it was(barracks, school, gym, etc.). The only things to do were: MCX which was the clothing store, The Commissary which was the grocery store for families who live on base, a Wendy's, A Movie Rental place, A Theater(which only showed two movies), A Pizza Place, a bowling alley, and a hockey rink. Other than that, you sat in your barracks all day and took orders from your sergeants.

I definitely and proud of my friend for doing Marines, but I feel like the Marines should treat people better for what they do. I saw a platoon who had just gotten to Camp Geiger and something fell off of a guy's book bag and he got yelled at for it. Scott's sergeant wouldn't even give him permission to leave base while we were there. I feel like Marines deserve a lot more respect than they actually get, even while they are still in training.