Friday, October 14, 2011

My Family

This week, I thought it would be kind of cool to write about military history in my family.
I have lots of military history in my family and in lots of different wars.

  • My Great Uncle Acey was in Peral Harbor when it was bombed, he survived, but he was stuck in the water for a few days before he was found. He never told me much about what happened, but all I know is he was there. 
  • Both of my parents were in the Army, they never went overseas or anything, but they were in the Army. They were both Medics, and that is actually how they met !
  • My cousin, Seth, is in the Army right now, he is in the 101st Airborne. He has served on deployment to Afgahnistan already and is in more training now. 
  • Scott, my friend, who I talked about in an earlier post, is in Marine Infantry, he hasn't gone through any deployments yet, he is still in Infantry Training.
  • I also had a cousin,Chris, who was in the Coast Guard, I never knew him because he passed right before I was born, I'm not sure if he served a deployment, but I know he passed in the service.
  • My boyfriend, Kevin, is actually going through the process of joining the Army right now, he wants to be an MP(military police)
  • My Grandpa was also in the Army, but never served a deployment
  • My Uncle Jack was in the Vietnam War in the Army, he is still alive today and has all his medals hanging in a glass box on his wall, one being a Purple Heart from Vietnam.
That is everyone, that I know of, that was in the military in my family. I am very proud to name all of those names. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have a lot of connections to the military! That's awesome!
